EERP: Intelligent Cluster based Energy Enhanced Routing Protocol Design over Wireless Sensor Network Environment

Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Hadi Salih, Idris and Karthikayen, A and Satheesh Kumar, N and Durairaj, Udayakumar (2021) EERP: Intelligent Cluster based Energy Enhanced Routing Protocol Design over Wireless Sensor Network Environment. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10 (2). pp. 1725-1736. ISSN 2305-7246

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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)) and the associated technologies are growing day-by-day in a drastic level. The Wireless Sensor Network medium has a distributed communication logic, in which it is interconnected with set of wireless sensor nodes and a unique basestation. A basestation stays in a constant place to provide a support to the transceivers for achieving a successful communication between source and destination entities. This kind of wireless communication mediums highly depends on the basestation to acquire the transaction needs as well as the basestation acts as a gateway between transmitter and receiver units. The cluster based wireless communication models are introduced to provide a flaw free communication between entities on WSN region with handling of wireless sensor nodes in the form of cluster. In literature several cluster enabled wireless communication models are designed, but all are strucked up with improper node placements and associated energy level mismatching. These issues raise cost efficient problems in Wireless Sensor Network environment. SO, that a new energy efficient routing protocol with an effective communication strategy is required to solve such issues in past. This paper introduced a new routing protocol with high efficient data transmission norms, in which it is called as Energy Enhanced Routing Protocol (eeRP). The proposed approach of eeRP associates the powerful clustering logic in this scheme to provide a fault free communication model to the WSN environment. By using this approach the standardized routing model is constructed with respect to the sensor nodes and basestation. The most important part of cluster based wireless communication model is the handling of Cluster-Head (CH), in which it needs to be elected based on certain communication principles such as the estimation of distance, position of other nodes in the cluster region, basestation positioning and the node capability. These constraints are essential to analyze the Cluster-Head to improve the pathway estimation process. The proposed approach of eeRP utilizes the powerful CH election algorithm called Firefly to provide an intellectual cluster head election process. The performance level of the proposed approach eeRP is estimated based on the efficiency of throughput, path selection efficiency, reduced energy consumption ratio and the network lifetime improvement. The experimental results assure these metrics in resulting section with graphical proofs.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, WSN, Energy Enhanced Routing Protocol, eeRP, Cluster, Energy Efficiency, Firefly, Cluster Head
Subjects: Engineering > Mechatronics engineering and machinery
Engineering > TK Electrical engineering
Depositing User: ePrints deposit
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2021 09:15
Last Modified: 05 Dec 2022 06:54

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