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A. Barzinjy, Azeez (2019) Curve-fitting on experimental thermal conductivity of motor oil under influence of hybrid nano additives containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes and zinc oxide. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 535. ISSN 03784371
A. Barzinjy, Azeez (2019) Forced convection around horizontal tubes bundles of a heat exchanger using a two-phase mixture model: Effects of nanofluid and tubes Configuration. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 161. ISSN 00207403
A. Barzinjy, Azeez (2019) Forced convection around horizontal tubes bundles of a heat exchanger using a two-phase mixture model: Effects of nanofluid and tubes Configuration. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 161. ISSN 00207403
A. Barzinjy, Azeez (2019) Investigation the effect of pulsed laser parameters on the temperature distribution and joint interface properties in dissimilar laser joining of austenitic stainless steel 304 and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 48. pp. 199-209. ISSN 15266125
A. Barzinjy, Azeez (2019) Macroscopic modeling for convection of Hybrid nanofluid with magnetic effects. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 534. ISSN 03784371
A. Barzinjy, Azeez (2019) Multi-objective optimization of a photovoltaic thermal-compound sensible rotary heat exchanger system using exergo-economic and enviro-economic approaches. Journal of Environmental Management, 254. pp. 1-13. ISSN 03014797
Abdulghani Taha, Mohammed and Şah, Melike and Direkoğlu, Cem and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2020) Adaptive Wiener Filter And Non Linera Diffusion Based Deblurring And Denoising Images. Journal of critical reviews, 7 (3). pp. 908-915. ISSN 23945125
Abdulrazzaq Fattah, Nabeel (2023) Minimizing regain awareness time of the epileptic patient using a well-known phone ringtone. Cogent Engineering, 10 (1).
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Alkabbanie, Rasha and Serwer, Sara and Awwad, Qusay (2021) The Effect of Printing Parameters on the Compression Strength, Electrical Conductivity, and Water Absorption Ability. Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 122-133. ISSN 24145629
Anmar Albarwary, Safa and B. Mohammed, Rand (2024) DESIGN DEVELOPMENT OF ROBOTIC EXOSKELETONS IN REHABILITATION. Journal of China University of Petroleum, 48 (03). ISSN 1673-5005
Ashok Kumar, S and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Shobana Swarna Ratna, P.R and Balakumaran, G and Singh Sivam, S.P. Sundar (2019) Determination of Taguchi Grey Relation Analysis to Influence the Tool Geometry and Cutting Parameters of the Ti-6Al-4V Alloy to Achieve Better Product Quality. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 8 (5). pp. 212-217.
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B. Mohammed, Rand and van Silfhout, Roelof (2018) Real-time Transceiver System Based on Rapid-I/O Protocol. Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering, 4 (2). pp. 39-53. ISSN 24145629
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2021) Design and Implementation of Single Phase to Three Phase Drive System Using Space Vector Modulation. REVISTA GEINTEC-GESTAO INOVACAO E TECNOLOGIAS, 11 (2). pp. 2221-2239. ISSN 22370722
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2021) Design and analysis of high gain Re Boost-Luo converter for high power DC application. Materials Today: Proceedings, 33 (1). pp. 13-22.
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2022) Identification of End-User Economical Relationship Graph Using Lightweight Blockchain-Based BERT Model. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2020) Influence on the Tribological Performance of the Pure Synthetic Hydrated Calcium Silicate With Cellulose Fiber. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 23 (3). pp. 104-111. ISSN 1310-4772
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2022) Investigation of ferronickel slag powder for marine applications by using MIP method. Materials Research Express, 9 (5).
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2021) Recent Scope for AI in the Food Production Industry Leading to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Webology, 18 (2). pp. 1066-1080.
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2019) Vanet Based Secured Accident Prevention System. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10 (6). pp. 285-291. ISSN 09766340
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Hadi Salih, Idris and Karthikayen, A and Satheesh Kumar, N and Durairaj, Udayakumar (2021) EERP: Intelligent Cluster based Energy Enhanced Routing Protocol Design over Wireless Sensor Network Environment. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10 (2). pp. 1725-1736. ISSN 2305-7246
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Hadi Salih, Idris and Musa Murad, Ismail and S.Mahdi, Qaysar and Hamed Ali, Qusay (2023) SECURE CLOUD STORAGE USING BLOCKCHAIN FOR DECENTRALIZED SYSTEM WITH MERKLE TREE ALGORITHM. YMER, 22 (4). ISSN 0044-0477
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Mohan, E (2018) High Quality Intelligent Database Driven Microcontroller Based Heartbeat Monitoring System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.6). pp. 472-476.
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Mohan, E and Siva Kumar, R (2019) IOT BASED WATER AND SOIL QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 10 (2). pp. 537-541.
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and S.Mahdi, Qaysar and Hadi Salih, Idris (2022) AGRIBOT: Energetic Agricultural Field Monitoring Robot Based on IoT Enabled Artificial Intelligence Logic. International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Internet of Things and Computing.
Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Sai Krishnan, G (2022) Effect of Bichamber Piston Geometry with Cerium Oxide as Additive on Sardine Biodiesel. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13 (3). pp. 1712-1718.
Cao, Yan and Salem, Mohamed and Nasr, Samia and Hamza Sadon, Shayma and Kumar Singh, Pradeep and M. Abed, Azher and Dahari, Mahidzal and M. Almoneef, Maha and Wae-hayee, Makatar and M. Galal, Ahmed (2022) A novel heat recovery for a marine diesel engine with power and cooling outputs; exergetic, economic, and net present value investigation and multi-criteria NSGA-II optimization. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 14.
Dhanraj, S and Dr., Harish and Gopi, R and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2019) An Efficiency Study On Water Extraction From Air Using Thermophoresis Method. An Efficiency Study On Water Extraction From Air Using Thermophoresis Method. pp. 1-7.
Hadi Salih, Idris and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2020) Induction Motor Fault Monitoring and Fault Classification Using Deep Learning Probablistic Neural Network. Solid State Technology, 63 (6). pp. 2196-2213. ISSN 0038111X
Halomoan Harahap, Tua and Candra, Oriza and A. Sabawi, Younis and Kamil Kareem, Ai and Shareef Mohsen, Karrar and Hussien Alawadi, Ahmed and Morovati, Reza and Mahamoud Mohamed, Ehab and Khan, Imran and Øivind Madsen, Dag (2023) Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization of the Micro-CCHP System with a Biomass Heat Source. Sustainability, 15 (5).
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Hassan Mahmud, Rashad (2022) A New 2×2-Element Subarray Antenna Synthesis Based on Waveguide Cavity Resonators. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 110.
Ibrahim, Salisu (2022) SOLITARY WAVE SOLUTIONS FOR THE (2+1) CBS EQUATION. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes, 29. pp. 117-126.
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Karthick, L. and Rathinam, R. and Abdul Kalam, Sd. and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and S. Sabeenian, R. and K. Joshi, S. and Ramesh, L. and Mohammed Ali, H. and Degife Mammo, Wubishet (2022) Influence of Nano-/Microfiller Addition on Mechanical and Morphological Performance of Kenaf/Glass Fibre-Reinforced Hybrid Composites. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2022.
Khalid Khdir, Younis and Ismail Hassan, Gailan (2018) Use of Different Graded Brass Debris in Epoxy-Resin Composites to Improve Mechanical Properties. Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering, 3 (3). pp. 124-131. ISSN 24145629
Kumar, Dinesh and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Krishnan, Sai (2019) Study on mechanical & thermal properties of PCL blended graphene biocomposites. The Scientific Electronic Library Online, 29 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 01041428
Manoharan, S and Shihab, Adnan Ibrahim and Alemdar, Ahmed Samir Anwar and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Vijay, R and Lenin Singaravelu, D (2019) Influence of recycled basalt-aramid fibres integration on the mechanical and thermal properties of brake friction composites. Materials Research Express, 6. pp. 1-11.
Mirza Abdullah, Saman and M. Ameen, Musa and Asaad Ahmed, Sipan and Najdat Muhamad, Alina (2023) A Two-Layer Authentication Security Through Personal Mobile SMS for KRG-Iraq E-Government System. Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering, 8 (3).
Mohammed M. Salih, Yusra and Jamal Mohammed, Snwr (2023) Parkinson’s Disease Detection by Processing Different ANN Architecture Using Vocal Dataset. Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering, 9 (1).
Muthuramalingam, T and Saravanakumar, D and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Huu Phan, Nguyen and Pi, Vu Ngoc (2019) Experimental Investigation of White Layer Thickness on EDM Processed Silicon Steel Using ANFIS Approach. Silicon, 12. pp. 1905-1911.
N. S, Sivakumar (2021) Frictional behaviour of AA7050/7.5B4Cp/Gr hybrid composites fabricated through stir casting. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1070. pp. 1-8.
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Patidar, Mukesh and Arul Kumar, D and William, P and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Mohathasim Billah, A and Manikandan, G (2024) Optimized design and investigation of novel reversible toffoli and peres gates using QCA techniques. Measurement: Sensors, 32. ISSN 2665-9174
Patle, B.K and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Pandey, Anish and Parh, D.R.K and Jagadeesh, A (2019) A review: On path planning strategies for navigation of mobile robot. Defence Technology, 15 (4). pp. 582-606. ISSN 22149147
Priyadharsini, S and Balaji Damodhar, T. S and Kannan, C and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2021) IMPROVED PERFORMANCE OF PHOTOVOLTAIC BASED EMBEDDED DUAL POWER SOURCE SL-QUASI Z SOURCE INVERTER FOR IM DRIVE. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 6 (6). pp. 266-273.
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S.Mahdi, Qaysar and Musa Murad, Ismail and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh (2022) Prediction Of 3D Digital Map Coverage For UHF Wireless Radio Performance Under Multipath Propagation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13 (9). pp. 9041-9051.
Saeed, Najmadeen and Katebi, Javad and Manguri, Ahmed and Mahmood, Aram and Szczepanski, Marcin and Jankowski, Robert (2022) Using Minimum Actuators to Control Shape and Stress of a Double Layer Spherical Model Under Gravity and Lateral Loadings. Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 16 (6). ISSN 2299-8624
Selvam, R. and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Thomas, Joji and Prakash, R. and Karthikeyan, T. and Maridurai, T. (2022) Analysis of a Cashew Shell and Fly Ash Rich Brake Liner Composite Material. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19 (3). pp. 569-577.
Senthil Kumar, A and Suresh, G and Lekashri, S and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Manikandan, R (2021) Smart Agriculture System With E – Carbage Using Iot. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10 (1). pp. 928-931.
Shanmugasundar, G and Vanitha, M and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Suresh, P and Mathiyalagan, P and Sai Krishnan, G and Makos, Mebratu (2020) Fabrication and analysis of mechanical properties of PVC/Glass fiber/graphene nano composite pipes. Materials Research express, 7. pp. 1-7.
Shrivastava, Roopal (2023) Role of Artificial Intelligence in Future of Education. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8 (1).
Singh Sivam, S.P. Sundar and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Kumaran, D and Saravanan, K and RajendraKumar, S (2019) Analysis of Product Quality Through Mechanical Properties and Determining Optimal Process Parameters of Untreated and Heat-Treated AISI 1050 Alloy during Turning Operation. Materials Science Forum, 969. pp. 876-881. ISSN 16629752
Singh Sivam, S.P. Sundar and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Kumaran, D and Saravanan, K and RajendraKumar, S (2019) Performance Evaluation of Yield Function and Comparison of Yielding Characteristics of SS 304 in Annealed and Unannealed Conditions. Materials Science Forum, 969. pp. 637-643. ISSN 16629752
Singh Sivam, S.P. Sundar and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Saravanan, K (2019) Impact of Point Angle on Drill Product Quality and Other Responses When Drilling EN- 8: A Case Study of Ranking Algorithm. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 8 (4). pp. 280-282.
Singh Sivam, S.P. Sundar and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Saravanan, K and RajendraKumar, S (2019) Multi-Response Enhancement of Drilling Process Parameters for AM 60 Magnesium Alloy as per the Quality Characteristics utilizing Taguchi-Ranking Algorithm and ANOVA. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 8 (4). pp. 437-440.
Singh Sivam, S.P. Sundar and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Saravanan, K and RajendraKumar, S (2019) Outcome of the Coating Thickness on the Tool Act and Process Parameters When Dry Turning Ti–6Al–4V Alloy: GRA Taguchi & ANOVA. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 8 (4). pp. 419-423.
T. Kahwachi, Wasfi and Khalid Hasan, Samyia (2023) Forecasting Electricity Generation in Kurdistan Region Using BOX-Jenkins Model. Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering, 9 (1).
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Thangamayan, S. and Pradhan, Kalyani and Babu Loganathan, Ganesh and Sitender, S. and Sivamani, S. and Tesema, Mulugeta (2023) Blockchain-Based Secure Traceable Scheme for Food Supply Chain. Journal of Food Quality, 2023.
W. Alshaer, Ahmad and Abdallah, Ramy and H. Rajab, Fatema and A. Barzinjy, Azeez and B. Otanocha, Omonigho (2024) Understanding the machined material’s behaviour in electro-discharge machining (EDM) using a multi-phase smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) modelling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 134. pp. 369-387. ISSN 1433-3015
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